Surrounded by Pharaohs

June 29, 2014

song of moses

Surrounded by Pharaohs seems to be exactly where the church is today. I mean the true church. Believers who truly want to live for the Lord God. The people who take the Precious Word of God seriously and believe it means what it says and says what it means. No fooling around distorting the truth. The truth is the same yesterday, today and forever. It will stand when all else fails. Those people are surrounded by pharaohs. We are.

It seems like our leaders have forgotten our roots and how we got here and the fact that America has been blessed because of our  forefather’s relationship with God Almighty.  More and more they are making things harder on us. They are taking away our privileges and telling us what we can and can’t do. They are distorting the truth of God. They call right wrong and wrong right. And because it has been a gradual process we have let them. The church is the proverbial frog in a pan of water. We have hardly noticed the heat is being turned up and it won’t be long before we meet our demise. Or that’s the plan.

The problem with the church is..  we are comfortable. I’ve noticed, on a very small scale, that when I personally get too comfortable, God sends a trial, to get me on my feet. Actually, it knocks me to my knees.  He wants me seeking His face. Something I should be doing always, but life happens and I get busy and I get in a comfortable routine and ‘God don’t like it. He don’t like it at all’.

So the other week, when it seemed the ‘Pharaohs’ were about to ‘condone’ yet another sin, I thought how we are just like the children of Israel, surrounded by the ungodly leaders who decide what is right and wrong in every area of our lives. They are all Pharaohs.

And what struck me was that, at the same time, I’ve noticed a coming together of God’s church. It’s slight, but there are groups of Christians who, because they interpret scripture a little differently from their neighbor,  built their church on the opposite street corners.  I’ve notice groups who at one time were poles apart,  are now,  joining hands. Christian leaders, churches, denominations are uniting. It must please God to see His children get along. Oh How good and pleasant it is…..

Just like in the days of Moses, the more we  stand up for ourselves, the worse things get.  Soon the truth of God will be labeled hate speech,  in order to silence the Word of God.  What occurred to me, as I pondered this, was that all the Pharaohs who are working to destroy God’s people and destroy His truth, are only serving to bring us together and send us to our knees.

And what gives me comfort is that just like in the day of Moses, God knows how to make a difference between His church and the world. And He will.


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  • Mary Crowson

    I couldn’t agree more, Renee….in fact some of the Pharoah’s are in the (United Methodist) church, to my way of thinking. This is a huge bone of contention for me and I won’t use your precious blog for my soapbox. Thanks for your writing and calling a spade a spade!

    June 30, 2014 at 9:49 am Reply
    • admin

      Oh, Mary, it is so sad……but I do see change on the horizon and have great hope for the future!!! And I applaud those who see the problem and work to make the change…..the saddest part to me, are those who can’t see…..thanks for the follow and for commenting…. 😉

      June 30, 2014 at 10:14 am Reply

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