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    Sometimes Life Hurts

    June 27, 2013


    Wow, what a rough week. It still is filled with hurt and disbelief and pain. I feel like my heart is breaking. Yes, I’m looking for the JOY this week. But when I take a step back and look, while it truly looks grim, I can see how this may be the handiwork of God Almighty. It’s not pleasant at all, don’t get me wrong. But if we’re going to live this life as Christians, we have to trust that no matter what, once we turn our lives over to the Lord, we are HIS, to do as He pleases.

    I don’t mean that to sound as if God takes some sadistic pleasure in our hurts and pains. He doesn’t. In fact it pains Him to know we are hurting. Still He has a plan that has our best interest at heart. HIS heart. His plan. Man may mean it for evil but God means it for our good.

    Okay, now I’m feeling better…funny how writing and expressing my faith in words calms me down and cheers me up.  I read a quote on Facebook this morning  that said  “A mother can never be happier than her saddest child.”  Well, today I have a sad child. We say life’s not fair, but maybe it is and we just can’t see the future. If God is just and He is, then all of this drama will unfold into something for His glory. That’s what I’m counting on.