God is Moving on Your Behalf

July 21, 2013


Not long ago I posted that Sometimes Life Hurts. And it does!  Sometimes you can pray for  a certain outcome and just the opposite happens. It’s easy to question God on those days. I know I certainly do. Sometimes it hurts so badly you can hardly catch your breath.

I sat for several days in stunned dismay. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around what had just happened to one of my children. There was no justice, it was not fair and it looked for all practical purposes like evil had triumphed! It was ungodly, unrighteous, unfair, unreal. We were in shock. It looked like the person who had done the wrong was being rewarded and my child was being punished.

So many people had been praying! Did God turn away?  Did He not care?  How could this be? I found myself saying all the right things to my daughter but questioning my faith. Questioning my God! I felt like Elijah hiding out in a cave waiting for the next shoe to fall….

But then my husband reminded me of something.   He had just finished reading the Bible all the way thru ~ with study notes~ and remembered a story. It was about the Israelites going thru the land God had promised and as they were about to destroy a particular people,  God stopped them. He said their evil had not reached its fullness…or something to that effect. (Genesis 15:16) We sat and listened to his explanation and it made sense. Suddenly it began to become clear that it’s not always in our best interest to get what we want and perhaps what looked like favor for them could very well be their downfall.

Nothing else made sense. Slowly we discovered we could breathe again. Over the course of the next few weeks more things happened that were most assuredly in our favor that could not have happened if things had not turned out the way they did.

All Things Work Together for Good

Suddenly we were seeing God’s hand in all of it. He was moving and doing things we had no idea were going on in our behalf!  They meant it for evil, but God used it for our good. What, for all practical purposes, looked like the worst possible thing that could have happened, turned out to be exactly what needed to happen!!! It opened doors that would not have opened without the horrible situation developing as it did!

No matter what kind of trial you are facing, you can be confident, God is already moving on your behalf.  There is nothing happening to you that He does not see. My husband likes to say “We know what’s happening, we just don’t know what’s going on.”  I think he’s right. We can see the bad things happening to us.  We just can’t see how God is using it for His purposes.  But, trust me, He is working for you THIS day. Today you can rest knowing God is working things out for you. All things..not somethings…ALL things work together for GOOD of those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purposes. Romans 8:28

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  • Brittany

    I found your blog link hidden within the pages of The SITS Girls blog and I clicked over… now, I know why!

    Right now, my family is going through something very difficult and things haven’t seemed to be going the way we’ve wanted them to… the other party winning… and this post spoke volumes.

    I’ve never thought of God working in that way. Ever! But I understand it now. I get it.

    We know what’s happening, but we don’t know what the end result will be and that’s why we MUST trust in God to protect us, guide us, and lead us to what He already has planned!

    Reading this was a small breath of fresh air… I’ve been so worked up about it all lately.

    So, thank you for sharing!!! 🙂

    July 24, 2013 at 8:32 am Reply
    • admin

      You’re welcome Brittany! Yes, we all go thru things we don’t understand. We don’t know the big picture and what if this is exactly what is supposed to happen? It’s really kinda exciting to sit back and see how this is going to unfold. The important thing to me is to make sure we do what is right in God’s eyes. Let HIM handle it. Bless you….

      July 25, 2013 at 12:43 am Reply
  • Vicki M. Taylor

    I read something similar while studying my bible today. God is all around us. We can see him in everything. And in everything he is working for us to put us on His path. Be grateful for all things. God knows what He is doing. We are too human to understand. Followed you from SITS. have a blessed day!

    July 25, 2013 at 1:46 pm Reply
    • admin

      So true! Thank you!!! You have a blessed day, too!

      July 25, 2013 at 11:44 pm Reply

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