God Cares About You

June 22, 2014

Young woman in hat standing on sand and looking to a sky

I can’t believe it has been a year.  A year ago this week our family went through a trial ~ literally~ and spiritually.  As we sat in my driveway, all I could say was “God cares about you and what happens to you. And even though we can’t see the future,  this is just part of  His plan for your life.  And it will all be fine. Somehow.”  Oh, that’s so easy to say…to someone else. But when it’s your child, it seems so trite, almost a copout. Just words on a page. “God cares about you and it will be ok.” Truthfully, I felt abandoned. Why on Earth did God let this happen to my daughter?  I didn’t know.

But a year later, I can tell you that she IS ok and God IS moving in her life and things are better than they have been in a long, long time for her.  She is in a better place. She and her children see the hand of God in things that have happened and they thank Him and praise Him for it.

She called me awhile ago laughing and telling me something funny that had happened last night.…such a far cry from the tearfully sad daughter I drove home with, one year ago today. So many things have happened to bring her to this place. Things I could not have done. God had to move and do them.

This horrible thing has been a faith building experience for my daughter and her children this year. And even though we were blinded by pain a year ago,  all we had to hold on to was God’s word. And we held on for dear life. God is faithful! And He cares! I don’t mean to say that it has been a frivolous,  carefree year. There have been other trials that have come this year, too.

Like Joshua when he entered the promised land had to fight for what was promised, we have fought, too. In prayer. Holding on to God’s word. Reminding Him that these are His promises to us and we are trusting Him for them.

You, dear reader, may be facing horrible trials of your own, or it maybe a loved one. Or like me, it may be your child. No matter what it looks like, God cares about you and what happens in your life. Not only that, He has a plan for you that you cannot even imagine. A good plan.. to give you a hope and a future!

I’m not going to tell you this has been an easy year. There have been many tearful nights and days when all I could do was cry out to God for mercy for my daughter. She has had many difficult and tearful days, too. But the important thing is through all of what you’re facing, to trust God’s goodness. No matter how things look.

Do you remember the spies that went into the the promised land and came back with the report of there being giants in the land?  Yes there were giants…but Joshua trusted God’s word…God’s promise to them was that the land was theirs.  And that is our position as believers. We are to trust God for what he has promised us in His word.  YOU CAN TRUST YOUR FUTURE TO HIM!

No matter how bleak it looks today…how wrong it all is….give it to God and ask Him to please handle this for you. I can’t tell you what a relief it is to finally let go of something you have no control over anyway and let God handle it for you.  Just remind Him when it comes back up again…”Lord, this is your problem now, I don’t know what you plan on doing with it, but I’m entrusting it to you.”  Let it go. Forget it. Trust God to handle it. He will. Jesus insists that you “Cast all your cares on Him”. Just do it!

The knowledge that God has known us since before we were born has always been a comfort to me. He knew this was going to happen before it happened.  He has the answer to the problem. Just give it to him and get on with your life. Thank God for the good things around you. Let Him know you see all the blessings even in the midst of these trials.  God has blessed you. Thank Him for them. Always be Thankful. Leave the rest to Him.

O, Lord in Heaven, sometimes life is so hard. Things seem so unfair and we don’t understand why. But God, you said to cast all our cares on you. You have promised to give us a hope and a future. We trust you, God, that your word is true and that You can handle our problems. God your word says that the battle is yours. We’re so tired of fighting and we give this battle to you. Please, God, take this battle and handle it. It’s yours anyway.  And Lord God, Let the morning bring me news of your unfailing love for me. I love you. Amen



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  • bjfunk

    I loved this article on God Cares About You. You write with beautiful conviction concerning God’s love even when things aren’t going our way. So happy to know that in a year’s time, God has moved and will continue to move. I love Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you for writing this great post.

    June 23, 2014 at 12:25 pm Reply
    • admin

      Thank you BJ,what a great compliment!!!..seeing as how you are THE writer!!!! Yes, I do have great conviction about God’s involvement in our lives..how could we live otherwise??? I just couldn’t make it if I didn’t believe that God is a Good God and that He cares about us…tremendously!!!!!! Thanks for commenting!

      June 23, 2014 at 12:39 pm Reply

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