There is no other story more important to mankind than the story of the Lamb of God. It beats all others, hands down, for eternity. I remember the first time I heard the story, I was astonished. Astonished that I had been in church for all of my then 23 years and never heard it put quite so succinctly. So to the point.
It’s an amazing journey through the whole Bible and I will try …I will try to keep it to the point. But let me tell you, there are rabbit trails even the Easter Bunny could not resist. I will do my best to stay on point.
Let’s start at the beginning….Yes, In the beginning. God knew from the very beginning that man was going to fall and so, before the creation of man, God, had in place a plan to save us. A plan to help us get back into a right relationship with Him. Adam and Eve had a choice.
We all have the choice to believe God or not to believe Him. Otherwise, we would simply be robots. Let me tell you, I don’t find pleasure in having someone love me because they ‘have to.’ I want someone to love me because they choose to. God’s the same way. He could have forced us, but tell me, what pleasure is there in that?
Adam and Eve chose not to believe God and to believe a lie. A lie of satan. Remember that Adam and Eve lived in a perfect world. They had never seen anything die. Not so much as a leaf had ever fallen to the ground. Suddenly they sinned and their whole world changed.
God made coverings for them from the skin of an animal. He ‘covered’ their sin. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it was a lamb. It doesn’t say, but later on we will see that a lamb was the requirement to atone for sin. A perfect, spotless lamb had to die. It’s not my idea, it was God’s.
Fig leaves were how Adam and Eve tried to cover their sin. Not gonna happen. There’s no way we can atone for our own sin. God has a plan and it was implemented from the beginning, long before the first sin. Something perfect had to die, its blood had to be shed to make atonement for sin. The Bible tells us that Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world. And beginning with Adam and Eve, God gives us a picture of His plan to redeem us.
The death of this lamb had to be very graphic to Adam and Eve, in order for them to understand the consequences of their sin. Adam and Eve saw the bloody scene and knew they were the cause. They believed the lie of satan and this precious little lamb had been slain for it. The world as they knew it was no more. Death had entered and there was no way they could get back the sweet communion they had once known with God. No seeming way to them… except for now, the plan of God was in place.
Before we continue with the lamb of God, I will remind you that God made a promise to Adam and Eve…before he ever cursed them for their sin…he promised them that one day the seed of woman would crush the head of satan. The detail of this is astounding and you can read in detail here and here.
Everyday this week, this Most Holy Week, we will go through the Bible and Behold the Lamb of God as God revealed to mankind His plan to redeem us all.